Willpower for Sweets is BS!
Secret #1: Willpower for sugar cravings is bullsh*t! Yep it’s totally made up by our fad diet culture and our “food” industry to make us women feel like we failed yet again. Sugar is addictive. So kick that thought process to the curb. Because seriously, do we really need another thing to make us feel bad about ourselves? I’ll answer that for you. No, no we do not. So take that fad diet culture!
Secret #2: We all have sugar cravings! Yes, all of us. Even me. So let’s stop beating ourselves up about them and learn to curb them from a place of love for ourselves and our bodies.
Secret #3: It’s all about balancing our blood sugar. We crave sugar because our bodies are looking for energy and sugar is a quick way to get energy. But sugar (and simple carbs) is also a quick way to have a hard crash that will leave us feeling like crap and craving more stickin’ sugar. And who wants that? Not me.
Secret #4: It’s also a pretty good sign of a hormonal imbalance. Think about it. When you’re super stressed out because work is freaking crazy right now, your kids need something every 2 seconds, you had a fight with your partner and your dog just puked all over the freaking carpet. And don’t forget living through a global pandemic. I. Get. It. Life is crazy and it’s so easy to get overwhelmed. But the thing is, chronic stress sends our adrenal glands into overdrive. Putting our bodies into constant flight or fight mode and sending loads of cortisol pumping into our bodies leaving us with hormonal imbalance and craving sweets.
So now you’re probably like, “This all sounds freaking wonderful Meghan but what do I actually do to help stop these freaking cravings for all the cupcakes?”
It’s all about the choices we make everyday.
Healthy Whole Foods that nurture your body, balances your blood sugar and balances your hormones.
Healthy Stress Relief. Start making self-care a priority which supports your body, mind and soul. And also supports healthy hormones by nurturing your beautiful adrenal glands. Two of my favorite stress relievers are Yoga and Meditation.
Sisterhood. Having a group of women in your life that you can trust and feel safe with is a great stress reliever and studies have found that when women spend time with other women who are also making healthy choices we are more likely to make healthy choices ourselves.
If you’re looking for support with cravings, sign up for a free consultation for 1:1 health coaching at the link below.
If you’re looking for a great way to relieve stress and find sisterhood join me for Zoom Sisterhood Yoga Saturday mornings at 7:30am.